This evenings work

This morning between 6.45 am - 7.30 am I ate breakfast and worked on verses for my children's short story.  Then I went to work.

Tonight I arrived home at 6.30pm.  Time for tea and being social.

From 8pm until 10.50pm I have put the finishing touches to my wee children's short story and created a website for my online author presence.  I read other people's hints and tips on how to lay out a website including this one here
That reading of hints included the insistent message that unless you are swept up by a whirlwind, you are not able to make a living out of writing.  Nor is it in any way easy to publish a children's short story.  Especially one that needs illustrating.  Its a wheen of hard work and unless you actually put the effort in, you won't succeed.  Noted.  Aye.  Breathes in.

I am quite tired now.

But look at this list:

Website created - check.

Children's story text completed - check.

First blog article of the week created - check.

Effort made - check.

Don't tell me it can't be done.  Smiles and falls asleep on the laptop.


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